The Bijou

Bijou Cocktail on a Bar

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In the spirit of Thanksgiving, our #tenmileinthewild post this week highlights The Bijou – a pre-Prohibition cocktail recommended to us by the great Michael Dundas (@spensermag), and expertly prepared by Tenmile’s own Kristopher Peck (@kcpeck56). We think this drink will whet your appetite for that turkey sandwich.

“The Bijou is a true classic that works very well with Listening Rock Gin. The herbal flavors of the Green Chartreuse pair well with the botanicals in our gin, especially the spearmint and lemon balm. Because it’s stirred, it maintains the velvety smooth mouthfeel of the spirit. It has recently become one of my go-to cocktails, especially as the weather gets colder.”


1.5oz Listening Rock Gin
.5oz Green Chartreuse
.5oz sweet vermouth
2 dashes orange bitters


Add all ingredients into a mixing glass and stir until well chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.